Marjorie Maddox
Poetry Reading with Drumming
-Bethany Retreat Center
Each is a beat on repeat,
the organs of voice and vision
syncopated. Tapped rawhide
alternates New Age and Ancient:
pulse of the body pa-pumming
thud of the syllables tha-thumping
in chest and wrist, ear and larynx,
cardio and poem
circling the room,
rocking the earth, in the deep
green-blue of beginnings,
holding and healing me.
Professor Emerita at Commonwealth University, Presence assistant editor, and WPSU-FM Poetry Moment host, Marjorie Maddox has published 17 collections of poetry—including Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation; In the Museum of My Daughter’s Mind; and Small Earthly Space—plus a story collection, 4 children’s books, and anthologies Common Wealth and Keystone Poetry.